Tales of the Unexpected

Sections: Information | Description | Covers | Catalan, Czech, and Russian Covers


Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.

  • First editions:
    • Random House/Vintage, 1979, USA.
      • To identify: Published in soft cover with a ‘First Edition’ statement and not priced.
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This collection showcases sixteen of Roald Dahl’s finest tales, taken from Kiss Kiss and Someone Like You. There are tales of the risk-takers, such as the man who wagers his daughter’s hand in marriage to a wine connoisseur, or the traveller who throws himself overboard on a cruise liner to win a bet. Here too is the understated cruelty of “Edward the Conqueror,” in which a mysterious cat seems to threaten domestic life, or the innocuous-seeming “Landlady,” whose guests stay for longer than they intend. Not forgetting the satisfyingly shocking tales of revenge, such as “Nunc Dimittis” or “Lamb to the Slaughter.”


Catalan Covers – Històries imprevistes

Czech Covers – Příběhy nečekaných konců

Russian Covers – Абсолютно неожиданные истории

Switch B***h

Sections: Information | ReviewsCovers | CzechEstonian, FrenchGerman and Russian Covers


Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.

  • First editions:
    • Knopf, 1974, USA.
      • To identify: Used a standard ‘First Edition’ statement and has the Borzoi dog logo blind stamped on the rear board. Published with a dust jacket priced at $5.95.
    • Michael Joseph, 1974, UK.
      • To identify: Uses a standard single statement (‘Published in Great Britain’ followed by the date, no later dates or printing statements) and published with a dust jacket priced at £2.75.
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  • “Short changed” by Peter Ackroyd from the November 30, 1974 issue of The Spectator (UK) (read online)


Czech Covers – Milostné rošády

Estonian Covers – Külaline. Neli erootilist üllatust

French Covers – La grande entourloupe

German Covers – Kuschel muschel

Russian Covers

Someone Like You

Sections: Information | Reviews | Covers | DutchEstonianFinnish, French, GermanRussian, Slovenian, and Swedish Covers


Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.

  • First editions:
    • Knopf, 1953, USA.
      • To identify: Used a standard ‘First Edition’ statement and published with a dust jacket priced $3.50.
    • Secker & Warburg, 1954, UK.
      • To identify: Used a standard single statement and published with a dust jacket priced at 12s/6d. Note: Note: this edition was missing two stories contained in the Knopf edition: “Neck” and “The Great Automatic Grammatisator.”
    • Michael Joseph, 1961, UK.
      • To identify: Used a standard single statement that included the wording: ‘This revised and expanded edition…’ Published with a dust jacket priced at 15s net. Note: this edition restored the two stories missing from the Secker & Warburg edition, making its contents identical to the original Knopf edition.
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  • “Books and Authors” in July 29, 1954 issue of Western Mail (read online
  • “Collection of Curiosos” by William Peden in December 26, 1953 issue of The Saturday Review (read online
  • “Reviews in Brief” in August 28, 1954 issue of The Sydney Morning Herald (read online
  • “Short and Original” in June 12, 1954 issue of The Advertiser (read online
  • “Subtle Bludgeoner” by John Barkham in November 8, 1953 issue of The Toledo Blade (read online)


Dutch Covers – M’n liefje, m’n duifje

Estonian Covers – Keegi sinu moodi

Finnish Covers – Joku Kaltaisesi

Note: this book contains eight stories from Someone Like You and three from Kiss Kiss.

French Covers – Bizarre! Bizarre!

German Covers – … und noch ein Küsschen!

Russian Covers

Slovenian Covers – Takšen kot ti

Swedish Covers – Någon Som Du

Skin and Other Stories

Sections: Information | Description | Reviews | Covers | Spanish Covers


  • First editions:
    • Viking, 2000, USA.
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How would you get rid of a murder weapon without causing suspicion? Where would you hide a diamond where no one else would think of looking? What if you found out that the tattoo on your back was worth over a million dollars? You will discover that just about anything is possible in a Roald Dahl story, and here are eleven of his very best.



Spanish Covers – Relatos escalofriantes de Roald Dahl

A Second Roald Dahl Selection: Eight Short Stories

Sections: Information | Estonian Covers


  • First editions:
    • Longman, 1987, Great Britain.
      • Edited by Helene Fawcett

Estonian Covers – Kaheksa ootamatut lugu

A Roald Dahl Selection: Nine Short Stories

Sections: Information | Covers


  • First editions:
    • Longman, 1980, Great Britain.
      • Edited and introduced by Roy Blatchford
      • Photographs by Catherine Shakespeare Lane
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Selected Stories of Roald Dahl

Sections: Information | Covers


  • First editions:
    • Modern Library, 1968, USA.
      • Published as part of “Modern Library of the World’s Best Books” Series
    • Random House, 1970, USA.
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Over to You: Ten Stories of Flyers and Flying

Sections: Information | Reviews | Fun Stuff | Covers | Czech, DutchEstonian, French, German, and Russian Covers


Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.

  • First editions:
    • Reynal & Hitchcock, 1945-1946, USA.
      • To identify: Used a single statement and published with a dust jacket priced at $2.50. Note: There was an interrupted print run in December of 1945; see Richard’s site for more details.
    • Hamish Hamilton, 1946, UK.
      • To identify: Used a standard single statement (‘First published’ followed by the date, no later dates or printing statements) and published with a dust jacket priced at 7s/6p.
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  • “…to Whom So Much Was Owed” by Michael Straight published in March 9, 1946 issue of The Saturday Review – USA (read online
  • “Ten short stories on flying” published in June 21, 1947 issue of The Argus – Melbourne, Australia (read online
  • “Good in action” published in July 15, 1947 issue of The Telegraph – Brisbane, Australia (read online
  • “Ten Short Stories of Flying” published in July 26, 1947 issue of The Age – Melbourne, Australia (read online

Fun Stuff


Czech Covers – Přepínám – deset povídek o letcích a létání

Dutch Covers – Over en sluiten

Estonian Covers – Sinu kord. Kümme lugu lenduritest ja lendamisest

French Covers – À tire-d’aile

German Covers – steigen aus… maschine brennt… 10 fliegergeschichten

Russian Covers – Перехожу на прием

The Roald Dahl Omnibus

Sections: Information | Description | Covers


  • First editions:
    • Dorset Press, 1986, USA.
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Ever since his stories first appeared, people have been telling and retelling each other Roald Dahl’s sometimes shocking and always unpredictable plots. Dahl’s stories are a brilliant and bizarre assortment of terror–tinted gems, polished by a master and set together to mesmerize the fearless and freeze the marrow of the innocent. Bawdy, funny, touching, and downright outrageous, there’s simply no one else like Roald Dahl. This volume collects 28 classic stories selected from Switch B***h, Kiss, Kiss, and Someone Like You – perfect bedtime stories for sleepless nights from one of the world’s best-loved writers for adults and children.


More Tales of the Unexpected

Sections: Information | Description | Reviews | Covers | Czech and Russian Covers


Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.

  • First editions:
    • Michael Joseph, 1980, UK.
      • To identify: Used a standard single statement (‘First published’ followed by the date with later printings stated underneath) and published in an unpriced dust jacket.
  • Also published as:
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Roald Dahl can stand on your head, twist you in knots, tie up your hands and leave you gasping for more. In this, his latest selection of short stories the surprises are as wicked and witty as ever. Taken from Someone Like You, Kiss Kiss and The Wonderful World of Henry Sugar, plus four brand new stories, they lure you into a world as full of unease, coincidence and black humour as you could wish. This title covers stories including: “Poison”; “The Sound Machine”; “Georgy Porgy”; “Genesis and Catastrophe”; “The Hitch-Hiker”; “The Umbrella Man”; “Mr Botibol”; “Vengeance is Mine Inc.”; and, “The Butler”.


  • “Not to be taken after dark” by Colin Steele from the September 13, 1980 issue of The Canberra Times – Canberra, Australia (read online)


Czech Covers – Další příběhy nečekaných konců

Russian Covers – Еще одни невероятные истории