The Company of Cats

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  • Published by:
    • Doubleday, 1992, USA.
  • Edited by: Michael J. Rosen
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An entertaining collection of short stories, in which twenty writers investigate “our idiosyncratic affiliation with cats,” has been meticulously assembled for anyone who has ever been in awe of, in love with, fascinated, or frustrated by the mysterious and marvelous cat.


Classic Mystery Stories

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  • Published by:
    • MQP Publications, 1999.
  • Also contains:
    • “The Signalman” by Charles Dickens
    • “The Bottle Imp” by Robert Louis Stevenson
    • “The Silver Mirror” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    • “The Waxwork” by A.M. Burrage
    • “Puddle” by Arthur Porges
    • “The Night Wire” by H.F. Arnold
    • “Finney’s Wonder Tonic” by Alan Austin
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The Circus of Dr. Lao and Other Improbable Stories

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  • Published by:
    • Bantam Books, 1956, USA.
  • Edited by: Ray Bradbury
  • Also contains:
    • “The Circus of Dr. Lao” by Charles Finney
    • “The Pond” by Nigel Kneale
    • “The Summer People” by Shirley Jackson
    • “Earth’s Holocaust” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
    • “Buzby’s Petrified Woman” by Loren Eiseley
    • “The Resting Place” by Oliver LaFarge
    • “Threshold” by Henry Kuttner
    • “Greenface” by James H. Schmitz
    • “The Limits of Walter Horton” by John Seymour Sharnik
    • “The Man Who Vanished” by Robert M. Coates
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Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul

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  • Published by:
    • Health Communications Inc., 1998, USA.
  • Edited by: Jack Canfield
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Kids wanted a Chicken Soup book of their own, so here it is! This is for kids ages nine through thirteen. Now there’s a place to find answers and encouragement and to help you realize that your dreams really can come true. With funny stories about friendship and family, and serious stories about heroic kids and difficult choices, this book will make you laugh, cry, think, and feel good about yourself.


Chamber of Horrors

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  • Published by:
    • Octopus, 1984, Great Britain.
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  • Published by:
    • Avon, 1959, USA.
  • Edited by: Groff Conklin
  • Also contains:
    • “IT” by Theodore Sturgeon
    • “Nursery Rhyme” by Charles Beaumont
    • “Doomsday Deferred” by Will Jenkes
    • “Warm, Dark Places” by Horase Gold
    • “Legal Rites: by Isaac Asimov and Frederik Pohl
    • “An Egyptian Hornet” by Algernen Blackwood
    • “White Goddess” by Idriss Seabright
    • “The Handeler” by Ray Bradbury
    • “The Worm” by David H. Keller, M.D.
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The Boris Karloff Horror Anthology

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  • Published by:
    • Souvenir Press, 1965.
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Portuguese Covers – Antologia do Horror

Boris Karloff’s Favorite Horror Stories

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  • Published by:
    • Avon, 1965, USA.
  • Edited by: Boris Karloff
  • Also contains:
    • “13th Floor” by Frank Gruber
    • “Child of the Winds” by Edmond Hamilton
    • “The Opener of the Crypt” by John Jakes
    • “The Thing that Walked on the Winds” by August Derleth
    • “The Scarlet King” by Evan Hunter
    • “The Graveyard Reader” by Theodore Sturgeon
    • “The Mindworm” by C. M. Kornbluth
    • “Back from the Grave” by Robert Silverberg
    • “The Opener of the Way” by Robert Bloch
    • “The Haunter of the Dark” by H. P. Lovecraft
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The Book of the Sky

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  • Published by:
    • Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1956
  • Edited by: A.C. Spectorsky
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Best Tales of Terror

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  • Published by:
    • Faber & Faber, 1962, Great Britain.
  • Edited by: Edmund Crispin
  • Also contains:
    • “Introduction” by Edmund Crispin
    • “The Emissary” by Ray Bradbury
    • “The Man Who Liked Dickens” by Evelyn Waugh
    • “A Summons” by L. P. Hartley
    • “The Mine” by L. T. C. Rolt
    • “Bird of Prey” by John Collier
    • “Ringing the Changes” by Robert Aickman
    • “Mr. Meldrum’s Mania” by John Metcalfe
    • “Three Miles Up” by Elizabeth Jane Howard
    • “Manhole 69” by J. G. Ballard
    • “The Misogynist” by James E. Gunn
    • “The Next in Line” by Ray Bradbury
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