Quizzes & Surveys > Matilda Quiz Matilda Quiz Are you smart enough to take on the Trunchbull? Put your brainpower to the test with this trivia quiz! Matilda Quiz (Photo courtesy of timetrax23.) 1. What is Matilda's brother's name? James Danny Magnus Michael None 2. What was the first "grown-up" book that Matilda read? The Red Pony Great Expectations War and Peace Just So Stories None 3. Where does Matilda's mysterious power "shoot" from? The top of her head Her elbow Her eyes Her finger None 4. What does Matilda's mother do all day long? Play bingo Shop Exercise Dye her hair None 5. What was Fred's parrot's name? Bruce Nigel Polly Chopper None 6. What does Mr. Wormwood use to make his cars' engines run smoothly? Honey Sawdust Extra oil An electric drill None 7. Every day Mr. Wormwood put something on his hair. What was it? Peroxide Hair tonic Wax Styling cream None 8. What was Miss Honey's first name? Agatha Lavender Jennifer Hortensia None 9. What name is on the gate of Matilda's house? Cosy Nook Happy Valley Comfy Cottage Gipsy House None 10. What is Matilda's complaint about the books of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien? Too difficult No funny bits No romance Too long None 11. The Trunchbull puts children in a cupboard to punish them. What is it called? The Black Hole The Chokey The Coffin The Stifler None 12. Who put itching powder in the Trunchbull's knickers? Hortensia Miss Honey Matilda Lavender None 13. In what event did the Trunchbull compete at the Olympics? Hammer throw Weightlifting 100 yard dash Javelin None 14. What did Bruce Bogtrotter steal from the Trunchbull? Medal Egg salad sandwich Riding crop Chocolate cake None 15. What does Lavender put in the Trunchbull's water jug? A mouse A goldfish A frog A newt None 16. According to the Trunchbull, the perfect school would have...? Uniforms Corporal punishment No children Strict discipline None 17. What relation is the Trunchbull to Miss Honey? Her cousin Her aunt Her grandmother Her mother None 18. What was Miss Honey's father's name? Magnus Victor Harry Nigel None 19. What is Matilda's third and final miracle? Lifting a child Tipping a glass of water Flying Writing on the chalkboard None 20. Where does the Wormwood family (minus Matilda) move at the end of the story? USA Spain Australia Russia None Time's up