Quizzes & Surveys > James and the Giant Peach Quiz James and the Giant Peach Quiz How well do you know the story of James and his friends? Take this quiz and find out! James and the Giant Peach Quiz (Photo courtesy of Jackson's Orchard.) 1. What happens to James' parents? Eaten by a rhino Eaten by giants Plane crash Car accident None 2. Who does James meet in the clump of laurel bushes? A witch with a snake An old bald man Old-Green-Grasshopper Aunt Sponge None 3. How big does the peach eventually grow? As big as a house As big as a pumpkin As big as a car As big as a basketball None 4. Which was NOT an insect James met in the peach? Bumblebee Glow-worm Ladybug Grasshopper None 5. What happens to Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker? The peach runs over them The police arrest them They recapture James They become millionaires None 6. How many seagulls does it take to lift the peach? 502 102 101 501 None 7. What are the Cloud Men doing when James first spots them? Painting a rainbow Beating thunder drums Making snow Rolling hailstones None 8. What breaks the strings holding the seagulls to the peach? An airplane Cloud-Men cut the ropes A giant rhinoceros Gravity None 9. What does the Mayor of New York give James and his friends? A party in Central Park A ticker-tape parade An official pardon The key to the city None 10. According to the story, who wrote the book you've "just finished reading"? The BFG The Centipede James Roald Dahl None Time's up