Quizzes & Surveys > Boy – Tales of Childhood Quiz Boy – Tales of Childhood Quiz Are you a true Dahl expert? Test your knowledge of Roald Dahl's childhood adventures! Boy - Tales of Childhood Quiz (Photo courtesy of Angelo Amboldi.) 1. Roald Dahl's father had an accident when he was a boy. What was the result? He lost his right thumb He walked with a limp He broke his back He lost his left arm None 2. What did the Thwaite boy tell young Roald that Licorice Bootlaces were made from? Rubber tires Mashed up flies Tar Rat's blood None 3. What was the punishment for the Great Mouse Plot? Loss of tuck boxes Grounded for a month Community service Four strokes with the cane None 4. What did the doctor remove during young Roald's first operation? Loose tooth His adenoids His appendix Ingrown toenail None 5. How did Roald sign all his letters home? Hugs and kisses, Roald Love from Boy Miss you, Boy Love, Roald None 6. What was poor Ellis in the sick room for? Pneumonia A boil Appendicitis Broken arm None 7. What brand of tobacco was supposed to be in the ancient half-sister's husband's pipe? Blend Eleven Aromatic Navy Cut Kentucky Club Royal Vintage None 8. At Repton, what was "Boazers" a slang term for? Matrons Prefects Housemasters Head boys None 9. Which chocolate company sent the boys new candy bars to test? Nestle Cadbury Wonka's Hershey's None 10. At the end of the story, where is Dahl headed? Dutch East Indies London South America East Africa None Time's up