Best Book of Sports Stories

Sections: Information | Covers Information Published by: Doubleday and Company, 1966, USA. Edited by: M. A. Donnelly Illustrated by: Julio Freire Contains: “Mr. Feasey” Also contains: “The Diving Fool” by…

Best Murder Stories

Sections: Information | Covers Information Published by: Faber & Faber, 1965, Great Britain. Edited by: Cyril Ray Contains: “The Way Up to Heaven” Buy this book: Covers…

The Book of the Sky

Sections: Information | Covers Information Published by: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1956 Edited by: A.C. Spectorsky Contains: “They Shall Not Grow Old” Buy this book: Covers…

The Company of Cats

Sections: Information | Description | Covers Information Published by: Doubleday, 1992, USA. Edited by: Michael J. Rosen Contains: “Edward the Conqueror” Buy this book: Description An entertaining collection of short…

Crime a la Carte

Sections: Information | Covers Information Published by: Signet, 1994, USA. Edited by: Cynthia Manson Contains: “Lamb to the Slaughter” Buy this book: Covers Signet, 1994…

The Damned

Sections: Information | Covers Information Published by: Lion Library, 1954, USA. Edited by: Daniel Talbot Contains: “The Wish” Buy this book: Covers Lion Library, 1954…

A Date With Danger

Sections: Information | Covers Information Published by: Octopus Books, 1984, USA. Contains: “Trapped in Hazell’s Wood” excerpt from Danny the Champion of the World Buy this book: Covers Octopus Books,…

Dumped: An Anthology

Sections: Information | Description | Covers Information Published by: Grove Press, 2003, USA. Edited by: B. Delores Max Contains: “Lamb to the Slaughter” Buy this book: Description Literature is full…