Media Mentions in The Birmingham Evening Despatch

Many thanks to the North East Wales Archives, Ruthin Branch and the Meredith Edwards Papers collection for this transcript from The Birmingham Evening Despatch. Thanks also to Oliver Houston for requesting access.

October 16, 1956

by Norman Holbrook


Ronald [sic] Dahl’s “Your Loving Wife,” at the Theatre Royal Birmingham, is a trifle concerned with the problem of disposing of unwanted husbands.

The methods displayed vary from the gentle push in the back from the upstairs window to the crack on the head with a leg of lamb.

These are the practical procedures. Others are more exotic, like chopping up the whiskers of a tiger and putting them in a drink.

Mr. Dahl achieves a certain extravagant gaiety with the piece, but for me there are stretches in which the fun flounders.

Hermione Baddeley, of the fruity voice (what relish there is in her “You don’t mean to tell me he puts hair tonic on his toupee?”), Agnes Lauchlan, Joyce Barbour and Meredith Edwards do their best for the cause. Gerald Savoy directs.