Sections: Information | Trailer | Plot Description | Reviews | Fun Stuff | Video Covers | DVD Covers | Blu-ray Covers | Window Cards | Original Book Covers
- Produced in 1968
- What Dahl Did: wrote script based on Ian Fleming’s children’s novel “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”
- All Movie Information
- Extra Information!
- Provided by a self-proclaimed “long-time member of the cult of Mr. Willy Wonka”
Plot Description
Children’s musical featuring an eccentric professor (Dick van Dyke) who invents wacky machinery but can’t seem to make ends meet. When he invents a revolutionary car, a foreign government becomes interested and resorts to skullduggery to get their hands on it.
- Rotten Tomatoes
- New York Times
- “Fleming’s fun for children” in the May 14, 1969 issue of The Canberra Times – Canberra, Australia (read online)
Fun Stuff
Movie Tie-In Materials
- Tie-In Car
- Tie-In Car
- Tie-In Doll
- Tie-In Paper Dolls
- Tie-In Paper Dolls
Video Covers
DVD Covers
- UK – Region 2
- IT – Region 2
- IT – Region 2
- AU – Region 4
Blu-ray Covers
- Region B/2