Sections: Information | Trailer | Plot Description | Reviews | Fun Stuff | Video Covers | DVD Covers | Blu-ray Covers | Window Cards | Original Book Covers
- Produced in 1968
- What Dahl Did: wrote script based on Ian Fleming’s children’s novel “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”
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- Provided by a self-proclaimed “long-time member of the cult of Mr. Willy Wonka”
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Plot Description
Children’s musical featuring an eccentric professor (Dick van Dyke) who invents wacky machinery but can’t seem to make ends meet. When he invents a revolutionary car, a foreign government becomes interested and resorts to skullduggery to get their hands on it.
- Rotten Tomatoes
- New York Times
- “Fleming’s fun for children” in the May 14, 1969 issue of The Canberra Times – Canberra, Australia (read online)
Fun Stuff
Movie Tie-In Materials
- Tie-In Car
- Tie-In Car
- Tie-In Doll
- Tie-In Paper Dolls
- Tie-In Paper Dolls