Switch B***h

Sections: Information | ReviewsCovers | CzechEstonian, FrenchGerman and Russian Covers


Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.

  • First editions:
    • Knopf, 1974, USA.
      • To identify: Used a standard ‘First Edition’ statement and has the Borzoi dog logo blind stamped on the rear board. Published with a dust jacket priced at $5.95.
    • Michael Joseph, 1974, UK.
      • To identify: Uses a standard single statement (‘Published in Great Britain’ followed by the date, no later dates or printing statements) and published with a dust jacket priced at £2.75.


  • “Short changed” by Peter Ackroyd from the November 30, 1974 issue of The Spectator (UK) (read online)


Czech Covers – Milostné rošády

Estonian Covers – Külaline. Neli erootilist üllatust

French Covers – La grande entourloupe

German Covers – Kuschel muschel

Russian Covers