Sections: Information | Reviews | Fun Stuff | Covers | Czech, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, and Russian Covers
Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.
- First editions:
- Reynal & Hitchcock, 1945-1946, USA.
- To identify: Used a single statement and published with a dust jacket priced at $2.50. Note: There was an interrupted print run in December of 1945; see Richard’s site for more details.
- Hamish Hamilton, 1946, UK.
- To identify: Used a standard single statement (‘First published’ followed by the date, no later dates or printing statements) and published with a dust jacket priced at 7s/6p.
- Reynal & Hitchcock, 1945-1946, USA.
- Contains:
- Related books:
- “…to Whom So Much Was Owed” by Michael Straight published in March 9, 1946 issue of The Saturday Review – USA (read online)
- “Ten short stories on flying” published in June 21, 1947 issue of The Argus – Melbourne, Australia (read online)
- “Good in action” published in July 15, 1947 issue of The Telegraph – Brisbane, Australia (read online)
- “Ten Short Stories of Flying” published in July 26, 1947 issue of The Age – Melbourne, Australia (read online)
Fun Stuff
- Elsewhere on the web:
- Plane Writing: Quotes from Early Pilots – Internet site devoted to the biographies of early aviators; some Dahl information
- Hamish Hamilton, 1946
- Penguin, 2003
- Penguin, 2010
- Penguin, 2011
Czech Covers – Přepínám – deset povídek o letcích a létání
- Volvox Globator, 2007
Dutch Covers – Over en sluiten
- Muelenhoff, 1964
- Meulenhoff, 1978
- Muelenhoff, 1987
- Muelenhoff, 1993
- Muelenhoff, 1996
Estonian Covers – Sinu kord. Kümme lugu lenduritest ja lendamisest
- Draakon & Kuu
French Covers – À tire-d’aile
- Julliard, 1976
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=2260000126]
- Julliard, 1976
- 2003
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=2264034343]
German Covers – steigen aus… maschine brennt… 10 fliegergeschichten
- rororo
Russian Covers – Перехожу на прием
- Захаров, 2003
- Азбука, 2004
- Эксмо, 2011