Memories with Food at Gipsy House

Sections: Information | Description | Fun Stuff | Covers | Czech, Dutch, and Norwegian Covers


Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.


This book is a mixture of anecdotes covering Roald Dahl’s family, his childhood, and his happiness at home with Liccy, his wife, and their numerous children, grandchildren and friends. For this extensive family, there is no more enjoyable way of relaxing than sharing good food and wine. The meals they enjoy together round the old pine farmhouse table at Gipsey House are either fine examples of national dishes of their heritage – Norwegian, French, British, etc – or favourite recipes that have delighted three generations of discerning eaters. Many recipes have acquired a particular significance for the Dahl family over the years, and these are introduced with reminiscenses rich in nostalgia and humour. The recipes are for all occasions, covering family birthday parties, Christmas and Easter celebrations, Roald’s passion for chocolate, onions and wine, his enthusiasm for gambling and gardening and finally, a Dahl-style chapter: “Hangman’s Suppers” – contributed by Francis Bacon, P.D. James, John Le Carre, Peter Ustinov and others.

Fun Stuff

Sotheby’s Dahl Auction 1997


Czech Covers – Vzpomínky z kuchyně aneb Jak se vaří v Gipsy House

Dutch Covers – Aan tafel met Roald Dahl

Norwegian Covers