Danny the Champion of the World

Sections: Information | Description | ReviewsAwards | Fun Stuff | Teacher Ideas | Covers | Penguin Readers, Bulgarian, Catalan, CzechDutch, EstonianFrench, FrisianGalician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Welsh Covers


Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.

  • First editions:
    • Knopf, 1975, USA.
      • Illustrated by: Jill Bennett
      • To identify: Used a numberline with jacket priced at $5.95
    • Jonathan Cape, 1975, UK.
      • To identify: Used single statement as per normal practice (‘First published’ followed by the date with later printings stated underneath) with a jacket priced at £2.25
      • Illustrated by: Jill Bennett
  • Later editions:
    • Jonathan Cape, 1994, UK.
      • To identify: Used a number line and a jacket pricing of £8.99
      • Illustrated by: Quentin Blake
    • Knopf, 2002, USA.
      • To identify: Used a number line in a non-priced jacket
      • Illustrated by: Quentin Blake
  • Connections:

Important note: From 2022 onwards, Puffin has edited selected Dahl books to remove sensitive language and insert new sentences not written by Dahl. If you would prefer to read the original text, ensure you get a copy published before 2022 or one of the “Classic Collection” published by Penguin.


Can Danny and his father outsmart the villainous Mr. Hazell?

Danny has a life any boy would love—his home is a gypsy caravan, he’s the youngest master car mechanic around, and his best friend is his dad, who never runs out of wonderful stories to tell. But one night Danny discovers a shocking secret that his father has kept hidden for years. Soon Danny finds himself the mastermind behind the most incredible plot ever attempted against nasty Victor Hazell, a wealthy landowner with a bad attitude. Can they pull it off? If so, Danny will truly be the champion of the world.


  • “The middle ground” by Isabel Quigly from the December 6, 1975 issue of The Spectator (UK) (read online)


  • Surrey School award (UK 1978)
  • California Young Reader Medal (USA 1979)

Fun Stuff

Danny the Champion of the World Quiz
Danny the Champion of the World Word Find
Danny the Champion of the World Word Find


Teacher Ideas


Penguin Readers Covers

Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. Simplified story texts are combined with beautiful original illustrations for students aged 7 and above.

Bulgarian Covers – Дани – шампион на света

Catalan Covers – Danny, el campió del món

Czech Covers – Danny, mistr světa

Dutch Covers – Daantje, de wereldkampioen

Estonian Covers – Danny, maailma parim

French Covers – Danny, Champion du Monde

Frisian Covers – Lytse Daan, de Wrâldkampioen

Galician Covers – Danny, o campión do mundo

German Covers – Danny oder Die Fasanenjagd


Hebrew Covers

Korean Covers – 우리의 챔피언 대니

Lithuanian Covers – Denis pasaulio čempionas

Norwegian Covers – Danny og den store fasanjakten

Polish Covers – Danny, mistrz świata

Portuguese Covers – Danny, o Campeão do Mundo

Russian Covers – Дэнни – чемпион мира

Serbian Covers – Deni, prvak sveta

Slovakian Covers – Danny – majster sveta

Spanish Covers – Danny el campeón del mundo

Vietnamese Covers – Nhà Vô Địch Thế Giới

Welsh Covers – Danny Pencampwr Y Byd