Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator

Sections: Information | Description | Reviews | Awards | Fun Stuff | Teacher Ideas | Covers | AfrikaansArabic, Bulgarian, CatalanChinese, Dutch, EstonianFrench, Galician, German, GreekHindi, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, SerbianSlovakian, Spanish, Turkish, and Vietnamese Covers


Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.

  • First editions:
    • Knopf, 1972, USA.
      • Illustrated by: Joseph Schindelman
      • To identify: First Edition statement, jacket priced at $3.95
    • Allen & Unwin, 1973, UK.
      • Illustrated by: Faith Jaques
      • To identify: Standard practice statement (‘First published in Great Britain in’ followed by the date, no later dates or printing statements), no jacket and not priced
  • Later editions:
    • Unwin/Hyman, 1986, UK.
      • Illustrated by: Michael Foreman
      • To identify: Two publishing statements; the second reads ‘This edition published 1986’ with jacket priced at £7.50
    • Viking, 1995, UK.
      • Illustrated by: Quentin Blake
      • To identify: Number line with jacket £9.99. Note: There is a variant jacket that is not priced and has no Viking logo on the spine
    • Knopf, 2001, USA.
      • Illustrated by: Quentin Blake
      • To identify: Number line with non-priced jacket
  • Previewed in:
    • “The Glass Elevator: Some Startling New Adventures with Charlie Bucket” published in August 18, 1972 issue of LIFE Magazine

Important note: From 2022 onwards, Puffin has edited selected Dahl books to remove sensitive language and insert new sentences not written by Dahl. If you would prefer to read the original text, ensure you get a copy published before 2022 or one of the “Classic Collection” published by Penguin.


Now that he’s won the chocolate factory, what’s next for Charlie?

Last seen flying through the sky in a giant elevator in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie Bucket’s back for another adventure. When the giant elevator picks up speed, Charlie, Willy Wonka, and the gang are sent hurtling through space and time. Visiting the world’s first space hotel, battling the dreaded Vermicious Knids, and saving the world are only a few stops along this remarkable, intergalactic joyride.

Teacher Ideas



  • Surrey School award (UK 1975)
  • Nene award (1978)

Fun Stuff

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Quiz


Teacher Ideas


Afrikaans Covers – Charlie en die groot glashyser

Arabic Covers – تشارلي والمصعد الزجاجي العظيم

Bulgarian Covers – Чарли и Големият стъклен асансьор

Catalan Covers – Charlie i el gran ascension de vidre

Chinese Covers

Dutch Covers – Sjakie en de grote glazen lift

Estonian Covers – Charlie ja Suur Klaaskabiin

French Covers – Charlie et le grand ascenseur de verre

Galician Covers – Charlie e o grande ascensor de cristal

German Covers – Charlie und der Große Gläserne Fahrstuhl


Hindi Covers

Korean Covers – 찰리와 거대한 유리 엘리베이터

Norwegian Covers – Charlie og den store glassheisen

Polish Covers – Charlie i Wielka Szklana Winda

Portuguese Covers – Charlie e o Grande Elevador de Vidro

Russian Covers

Serbian Covers – Čarli i veliko stakleno liftalo

Slovakian Covers – Charlie a veľký sklený výťah

Spanish Covers – Charlie y el gran ascensor de cristal

Turkish Covers – Charlie’nin Büyük Cam Asansörü

Vietnamese Covers – Charlie và chiếc thang máy bằng kính