Sections: Information | Cast | Covers
- Published by:
- Puffin Audiobooks, 1998
- Read by: full cast
- Produced and dramatized: Mellie Buse
- Theme music: Kate Edgar
- Incidental music: Kenny Forrest
- Runtime: approximately 1-1/2 hrs
- Fully dramatized recording accompanied by specially composed music
- Based on:
- The BFG – Geoffrey Palmer
- Sophie – Lizzie Franks
- The Bloodbottler – David Rintoul
- Narrator and Mr. Tibbs – Nigel Lambert
- The Fleshlumpeater – Steven Pacey
- The Queen – Carole Boyd
- Mary – Rowena Cooper
- Other parts played by members of the cast
- Puffin, 1998
- Puffin
- Puffin
- Puffin, 2007