Dumped: An Anthology

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  • Published by:
    • Grove Press, 2003, USA.
  • Edited by: B. Delores Max


Literature is full of lyrical odes to the glory of falling in love. But what of its opposite — the moment when it becomes clear that things are indisputably over? Dumped is a survey of every type of romantic crack-up, a group of stories full of the hilarity, wisdom, insight, and sometimes, yes, fierce revenges of some of the most memorable broken hearts in recent literature. Dumped sheds light on what can be the toughest part of human relations — whether newly elucidating the misery we’ve all endured, or merely reminding us that others have had it far worse — from the mother in Elizabeth Berg’s “Open House” absurdly attempting to tell her son his father has left, to the betrayed wife in Roald Dahl’s “Lamb to Slaughter,” who beats her husband to death with a leg of lamb, then cooks it for the police. With contributions from such notable authors as Will Self, Saul Bellow, Alice Munro, Raymond Carver, Lorrie Moore, Dorothy Parker, Andre Dubus, and Tobias Wolff, as well as rising stars like Lucinda Rosenfeld and Steve Almond, Dumped spans every variety of romantic catastrophe and every possible response to it; from the wise to the hilarious, the bitter to the bittersweet. This book is the panacea for problems of the heart.
