The Dahl estate has partnered with The Lagoon Group to produce a line of Roald Dahl card and board games. You can purchase some of these on
Have you lost your instructions? It seems like a lot of these games were sold without instruction sheets. I don’t have any of them myself, unfortunately. The manufacturer has made some of the instruction sheets available on their website, or you can email
Times Tables Games
4 fun educational card games
Great for key stage 1 and key stage 2 to develop their times tables
Make multiplication fun with this tip-toppling collection of fun number games. Some games are warm-up practice sessions; other games are races and therefore competitive and fast-paced.
Ages: 5 to 12 years
2 to 4 players
- Tip-Toppling Times Tables Games
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B00O58KPM6]
- Matilda Times Tables Games
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B00O58KPM6]
Matilda’s Ninety-Nine Number Game
Matilda is trying to beat her record at book stacking. Can you help her reach 99?
Keep track of how many books are added to the pile, but be careful, sometimes they can fall off!
This fun, family game is great for improving mental arithmatic skills – but you’ll be having too much fun to notice!
Ages: 6+
- Matilda’s Ninety-Nine Number Game
Charlie’s Splendid Sweet Sorting Game
Willy Wonka’s factory needs tidying up.
Help him sort as many weird and wonderful flavours of sweets as you can, but watch out for the Oompa-Loompas!
This fun, family game is great for improving strategy and planning whilst using recognition skills – but you’ll be having too much fun to notice!
Ages: 6+
- Charlie’s Splendid Sweet Sorting Game
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Ludo and Snakes & Ladders
2 in 1 Board Game.
Snakes & Ladders and Ludo.
Fun for the whole family with these two classic games.
Ages: 6 and up
2 to 4 players
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Ludo and Snakes & Ladders
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B017MZVL4Y]
3 Fantabulous Family Card Games
3 card games: Happy Families, Snap & Rummy.
Fun for the whole family with these three classic card games.
Ages: 6 and up
2+ players
- 3 Fantabulous Family Card Games
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B00O54QSUI]
Scrumdiddlyumptious Storybook Game
Fun reading and memory game for the whole family.
Ages: 8 and up
2 to 4 players
- Scrumdiddlyumptious Storybook Game
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B017MZZPPK]
The BFG’s Giant Playing Cards
A pack of giant playing cards befitting of one of Roald Dahl’s best loved characters, the BFG! These 122 by 170mm cards can be used to play family card games or build giant pyramids of cards.
Ages: 4 and up
1+ players
- The BFG’s Giant Playing Cards
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Triangles Game
Players in this game take turns to lay triangles, matching colours, to see who scores the most sweets. It encourages coordination and strategic skills and its a great way to develop children’s numeracy.
Ages: 5 and up
2 to 4 players
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Triangles Game
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B01DCOR7JC]
Amazing But True Trivia Quiz
Test your general knowledge–or that of your friends–with this fantabulous fun quiz.
You’ll be amused and amazed by things you never knew!
- [amazon template=rdf link&asin=B01ASI86M2]
Squiffing Story Tiles Game
Use your imagination to think up some swizfigging stories with a little help from Roald Dahl’s much-loved tales and Quentin Blake’s wonderful illustrations.
This game encourages children to use their imagination. It’s great fun to play on their own or with friends.
- [amazon template=rdf link&asin=B01HOS3A20]
Mental Maths Games
A fabulous collection of entertaining maths games where players add, subtract or multiply to get the highest score possible! Some games are relatively easy, whilst others are more challenging.
Ages: 5 and up
2-4 players
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Mental Maths Games
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B01L35NQHE]
- Whiz-Banger Mental Maths Games
Spelling Games
A splendiferous range of fun letter games, involving creating crosswords and quick-fire spelling races.
Ages: 5 and up
- The BFG Spelling Games
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B01L35U0BO]
The BFG Whopsy Word Game
A game of skill for 2-6 players from 8 years of age, the aim is to make words by adding tiles to columns of letters already laid down.The first player to lay down all their letter tiles wins!
Contents: 100 letter tiles, the BFG gobblefunk word glossary, instruction booklet. You may also need a dictionary!
Ages: 8 and up
2-6 players
- The BFG Whopsy Word Games
Tabletop Games
Collections of assorted mini-games
- Bogtrotting Blanks
- Delumptious Decisions
- Frumptious Happy Families
- Gobblefunk Word
- Squibbling Sketch
- Twenty Questions
- Gobblefunk Word Game
- What Am I? Game
- Amazing Trivia Game
- Factory Dash Game
- Go Fish Game
- Word Swipe Game
- Diddly Tabletop Games
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B017F23QSI]
- Tabletop Games