Sections: Information | Description | Reviews | Criticism and Analysis | Fun Stuff | Covers | Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, and Vietnamese Covers
Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.
- First editions:
- Knopf, 1977, USA.
- To identify: Used a number line, no pictures of the Mildenhall Treasure and published with a dust jacket priced at $5.95.
- Jonathan Cape, 1977, UK.
- To identify: Used a standard single statement and published with a dust jacket priced at £3.50.
- Knopf, 1977, USA.
- Contains:
- Related books:
- Audio Books:
- The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More read by Andrew Scott
- The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More read by David Suchet
People with peculiar and unlikely powers can be found throughout this extraordinary collection of seven short stories. A rich man who learns to see without his eyes, a giant turtle and a very special boy who can talk to animals, a cunning hitch-hiker and the curious driver who picks him up, and the very lucky ploughman who finds a fabulous fortune but loses a golden opportunity are only a few of the characters you’ll meet. The collection is a clever mix of fact and fiction and also includes the story of how Roald Dahl became a writer (and a wealth of tips for aspiring authors).
- “Dahl Contrives to Moralise” by Peter Monaghan from the April 8, 1978 issue of The Canberra Times – Canberra, Australia (read online)
Criticism and Analysis
- “The Swan and the Wonderful World of Henry Sugar by Roald Dahl”
- Article by Richard F. Abrahamson published in The English Journal
Fun Stuff
Sotheby’s Dahl Auction 1997
- “The Boy Who Talked with Animals”
- Knopf, 1977
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0394836049]
- Jonathan Cape, 1977
- Jonathan Cape
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0224015478]
- Peacock, 1979
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0140471405]
- Bantam Skylark, 1979
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0553121545]
- Heinemann, 1979
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0435122371]
- Heinemann, 1979
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B0140DCI9I]
- Puffin, 1982
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0140314253]
- Penguin, 1982
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0140057730]
- Penguin, 1985
- Puffin, 1988
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0140328882]
- Puffin, 1988
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0140328742]
- Puffin, 1995
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0140373489]
- Puffin, 2000
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0808542028]
- Puffin, 2000
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0808542028]
- Puffin, 2000
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0141304707]
- Knopf, 2001
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=037581423X]
- Puffin, 2001
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0141311495]
- Penguin, 2011
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0241955785]
- Puffin, 2013
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0141346507]
- Penguin, 2017
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0141365579]
Catalan Covers
- Estrella Polar
- Estrella Polar
Chinese Covers
- Tomorrow Publishing, 2014
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=7533278844]
Czech Covers – Podivuhodný příběh Henryho Sugara a jiné povídky
- Volvox Globator, 2008
Dutch Covers – Het wonderlijk verhaal van Hendrik Meier
- Uitgeverij De Fontein, 1978
- Uitgeverij De Fontein, 2004
- Uitgeverij De Fontein, 2007
- Uitgeverij De Fontein, 2016
French Covers – Coup de chance et autres nouvelles
- Gallimard, 2009
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=2070615421]
German Covers – Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst
- rororo
Spanish Covers – Historias extraordinarias
- Anagrama, 2016
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=9788433920232]
Vietnamese Covers – Câu chuyện kỳ diệu về Henry Sugar và sáu chuyện khác
- Kim Đồng