Calendar – A lot of upcoming theater events added!
Author: Kris
Quentin Blake Knighted: Roald Dahl Illustrator Honoured By Prince Of Wales – Congratulations to Quentin, who we must now refer to as Sir Quentin Blake! It’s a tremendous honour to be knighted.
Gipsy House – Added the Open Garden Days for 2013!
Games – Fixed the Trivia Quizzes so that they now work! If you get a perfect score, you can be on the Master Board!
The Roald Dahl Festival 2012 is coming! This year’s festival will be held on July 7 in Aylesbury. “Celebrating its tenth anniversary, this year’s Roald Dahl Festival will be the biggest yet! A special day of fantastic family activities, theatre, dance and shows all to celebrate the work of the world renowned author. All the amazing Roald Dahl themes covered over the last ten years will be brought back for one spectacular Roald Dahl Parade, with giant puppets and artwork made by children and young people in the local area. After the Parade, Aylesbury town centre will hold a host of entertainment, as well as the Dahl Games in Vale Park as part of London 2012 celebrations and Aylesbury’s legacy as the Birthplace of the Paralympics.
The Lilford Gallery in Kent (England) has on display a never-before-seen image of Roald Dahl. The image was takes by John Stewart Farrier at Gipsy House in Great Missenden. The image is being printed in a limited edition of 5. You can see a scan of the image here.
Contact Me – If you’ve been having issues with the contact form, I’m happy to report that it’s been fixed!
Magic of Roald Dahl Celebrated on UK Stamps – I’m quoted in this article about the UK’s new set of Dahl postage stamps!
Plush Oompa-Loompa – Isn’t that awesome?
These Fantastic Mr Fox Halloween costumes made me laugh and laugh! Brilliant, and very well done.