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- Penguin, 1992, USA.
- Edited by: Jim Trelease
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Jim Trelease’s New Read-Aloud Handbook led millions of people to discover the special experience of reading aloud to children. In Hey! Listen to This, Trelease brings together forty-eight read-aloud stories that parents and teachers can share with children ages five through nine. His choices range from folktales (“Uncle Remus,” “The Pied Piper of Hamelin,” and the Indian “Cinderella”) to classic favorites by such wonderful children’s authors as Roald Dahl (“James and the Giant Peach”), E.B. White (“Charlotte’s Web”), Beverly Cleary (“Ramona the Pest”), C.S. Lewis (“The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”), and L. Frank Baum (“Ozma of Oz”). In addition, Trelease has written a special introduction to each story and makes suggestions for further reading.
- Penguin, 1992