
This timeline contains all information about Roald Dahl’s life, the books he wrote, and movies, television shows, and theater productions he was involved in. It continues past his death to the present day (since new Dahl works are still being released).

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Alfred Hitchcock Presents

April 13, 1958 – The first of many of Roald’s stories (“Lamb to the Slaughter”) appears as an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents.


‘Way Out

March 31, 1961 – Premiere episode of ‘Way Out, which Roald hosted.


Thirty-Minute Theatre

October 17, 1965 – “Parson’s Pleasure” appears on Thirty-Minute Theatre.


Tales of the Unexpected

March 24, 1979 – Tales of the Unexpected premieres on television and Roald hosts the first two seasons.