Sections: Information | Reviews | Fun Stuff | Covers | Italian, Korean, Polish and Spanish Covers
- Title: Storyteller – the Authorized Biography of Roald Dahl
- Author: Donald Sturrock
- Published by: Simon & Shuster, 2010, UK
- Also published as: Storyteller: The Life of Roald Dahl
- MICHAEL’S VERDICT: “A real page-turner that offers insight into Roald Dahl’s personality not available anywhere else. The author, who met Roald Dahl numerous times, has done his research and offered a new perspective and view on Roald Dahl.”
- Recent news:
- Storyteller: The Life of ROALD DAHL | Animated Book Summary - September 29, 2016
- Buy this book: [amazon template=rdf link&asin=1439189765]
- “The Uses of Enchantment” by Claire Messud (New York Times)
- “Storyteller: The Life of Roald Dahl by Donald Sturrock” by Kathryn Hughes (Guardian)
- “Big Sometimes Friendly Giant” by Sam Anderson (NY Magazine)
Fun Stuff
- Animated Book Summary on YouTube
- Simon & Shuster, 2010
- Simon & Shuster, 2010
- HarperCollins, 2010
- HarperCollins, 2011
Italian Covers – Roald Dahl Il cantastorie
- Odoya
Korean Covers
- Tsai Fong Books, 2012
Polish Covers – Roald Dahl Mistrz opowiesci
- Znak, 2016
Spanish Covers
- Odoya, 2016