Boy and Going Solo

Sections: Information | Description | Fun Stuff | Covers | Dutch and German Covers


Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.

  • First editions:
    • Jonathan Cape, 1992, UK.
      • To identify: Standard practice statement (‘First published’ followed by the date with no later printings listed underneath), with jacket priced £12.99


Roald Dahl’s personal stories together in one edition!

Where did Roald Dahl get all of his wonderful ideas for stories? From his own life, of course! Boy includes tales of sweetshops and chocolate, mean old ladies, and the Great Mouse Plot. And then Going Solo tells of how, when he grew up, Roald Dahl left England for Africa and later went flying with the Royal Air Force.

Fun Stuff

Boy - Tales of Childhood Trivia Quiz
Boy – Tales of Childhood Trivia Quiz

Sotheby’s Dahl Auction 1997


Dutch Covers – Autobiografie – Boy en Solo

German Covers – Boy / Im Alleingang