These greeting cards are produced by Danilo and are available on their website.
- The BFG Age 7 Birthday Card
- The BFG Age 8 Birthday Card
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B07B4ZQ9RP]
- The BFG Human Bean Birthday Card
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B079VDSW1C]
- The BFG Boy Birthday Card
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B079VLJZKV]
- Matilda Birthday Card
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B079VWPRWM]
- Matilda Sister Birthday Card
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B079KGZL8H]
- Matilda Daughter Birthday Card
- Charlie Brother Birthday Card
- Charlie Son Birthday Card
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B079KG281V]
- Golden Ticket Birthday Card
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B079VQ1GW7]
- James Birthday Card
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B07B8PQJNV]