Sections: Information | Description | Reviews | Articles | Criticism and Analysis | Fun Stuff | Teacher Ideas | Covers | Penguin Readers, Afrikaans, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Scots, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, and Welsh Covers
Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.
- First editions:
- Jonathan Cape, 1980, UK.
- To identify: Used a standard single statement (‘First published’ followed by the date with no later printings listed underneath) and published with a dust jacket priced at £3.50.
- Knopf, 1981, USA.
- To identify: Used a number line and published with a dust jacket priced at $6.95.
- Jonathan Cape, 1980, UK.
- Illustrated by: Quentin Blake
- Recent news:
- Roald Dahl Stories – with Andy Copps and John Kirk - July 5, 2020
- Related books:
- Charlie and the Christmas Factory
- Roald Dahl 15 Book Box Set
- Roald Dahl’s Heroes and Villains
- Roald Dahl’s Scrumdiddlyumptious Story Collection
- Roald Dahl’s Creative Writing with The Twits: Remarkable Reasons to Write
- The Laugh Book: A New Treasury of Humor for Children
- The Marvellous Roald Dahl Library
- The Puffin Roald Dahl Collection 1
- The Roald Dahl Centenary Boxed Set
- The Roald Dahl Collection
- The Twits Next Door
- Theater:
- Dinner at the Twits (interactive theatrical dining experience), 2016, London, UK
- Roald Dahl’s The Twits adapted by Enda Walsh
- The Twits adapted by David Wood
- The Twits 2001 UK Tour, Belgrade Theater, Coventry
- Audio Books:
- De Dikke Van Dahl read by Jan Meng
- De Griezels read by Jan Meng
- Dustene read by Trond Peter Stamsø Munch
- Gli Sporcelli read by Fabrizio De Giovanni
- Les Deux Gredins read by Eva Darlan and Claude Villers
- Roald Dahl Audio Books read by David Walliams, Stephen Fry, Kate Winslet, Chris O'Dowd, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Peter Serafinowicz, Miranda Richardson, Richard Ayoade, Douglas Hodge
- Roald Dahl Audio Books (10 CD Collection) read by Simon Callow, Miriam Margolyes, Geoffrey Palmer, James Bolam, Andrew Sachs, June Whitfield, Timothy West, Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, Martin Jarvis
- The Twits read by Roger Blake
- The Twits read by Simon Callow
- The Twits read by Richard Ayoade
- The Twits read by Roy Kinnear
- The Twits read by Sarah Pascoe
- The Twits, The Minpins & The Magic Finger read by Richard Ayoade, Bill Bailey, and Kate Winslet
- TV Shows:
- Jackanory (1965)
Important note: From 2022 onwards, Puffin has edited selected Dahl books to remove sensitive language and insert new sentences not written by Dahl. If you would prefer to read the original text, ensure you get a copy published before 2022 or one of the “Classic Collection” published by Penguin.
How do you outwit a Twit?
Mr. and Mrs. Twit are the smelliest, nastiest, ugliest people in the world. They hate everything—except playing mean jokes on each other, catching innocent birds to put in their Bird Pies, and making their caged monkeys, the Muggle-Wumps, stand on their heads all day. But the Muggle-Wumps have had enough. They don’t just want out, they want revenge.
- “Mr. Twit was a twit. He was born a twit…” by Karla Kuskin (New York Times)
Criticism and Analysis
- “The Grotesque and the Taboo in Roald Dahl’s Humorous Writings for Children”
- Essay by Mark I. West published in Children’s Literature Association Quarterly
Fun Stuff

- Roald Dahl’s House of Twits app
- Roald Dahl’s Twit or Miss app
- Twits Badge
- Mr. Twit Figurine
- Mrs. Twit Figurine
- The Twits Card Game
- The Twits keyring
- The Twits Mug
- The Twits Mug
- Sunbeams Travel Mug
- Sunbeams Mug
- Sunbeams Cushion
- Terrible Tricks Activity Kit
- Terrible Tricks Activity Kit
- Terrible Tricks Activity Kit
- Mrs. Twit Costume
- Mr. Twit Costume
- Mr Twit’s Beardy Breakfast Milk Chocolate Bar
- ‘The Roly Poly Bird’ Easter Egg
- The Magical World of Roald Dahl – Issue 4
- The Magical World of Roald Dahl – Issue 12
- Charm – Mrs. Twit’s Eye
- The Magical World of Roald Dahl – Issue 23
- The Magical World of Roald Dahl – Issue 34
- Elsewhere on the web:
- Custom binding by artist Erin Fletcher
Teacher Ideas
- The Twits – English Lesson Plan
- Designed to teach creativity, writing, proofreading, literary analysis, teamwork, and more
- The Twits – Lesson Plans
- Several lesson plans for exploring themes within various chapters in the book
- The Twits – More Student Story Examples
- Builds on ideas provided in "English Lesson Plan"
- The Twits – Novel Study (Preview)
- PDF preview of Novel Study including everything you need to teach the novel (full version available for purchase on
- The Twits – Show, Don’t Tell
- A writing activity where that asks writers to make use of both showing and telling as they create a well-organized paragraph of description.
- Knopf, 1981
- Puffin, 1982
- Puffin, 1982
- Skylark, 1985
- Puffin, 1991
- Puffin, 1991
- Puffin
- Puffin, 1997
- Puffin, 1998
- Knopf, 2002
- Jonathan Cape, 2003
- Puffin, 2007
- Puffin, 2007
- Penguin, 2007
- Puffin, 2009
- Jonathan Cape, 2010
- Puffin, 2010
- Puffin, 2013
- Puffin, 2014
- Puffin, 2016
- Penguin, 2024
Penguin Readers Covers
Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. Simplified story texts are combined with beautiful original illustrations for students aged 7 and above.
- Penguin, 2024
Afrikaans Covers – Die Twakke
- Human & Rousseau, 2016
Bulgarian Covers – Семейство Тъпашки
- Ентусиаст, 2010
Catalan Covers – Els culdolla
- La Magrana, 2010
- Alfaguara, 2022
Chinese Covers – 壞心的夫妻消失了
- 小天下, 2012
Czech Covers – Prevítovi
- Knižní klub, 2011
- Knižní klub, 2016
Dutch Covers – De Griezels
- Fontein, 1980
- Fontein, 2004
- Uitgeverij De Fontein, 2015
- Uitgeverij De Fontein, 2017
Estonian Covers – Tohlamid
- Eesti Raamat, 2005
Finnish Covers – Nilviöt
- Art House Oy, 1999
- Otava, 2014
French Covers – Les deux gredins
- Gallimard, 1998
- Gallimard, 2000
- Gallimard, 2007
- Gallimard, 2013
- Gallimard
German Covers – Die Zwicks stehen kopf
- Rowohlt, 1991
- Rororo, 1991
Greek Covers – ΟΙ ΒΛΑΚΕΝΤΙΟΙ
- Psichogios, 2015
- Ψυχογιός, 2015
Indonesian Covers
- Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2003
Italian Covers – Gli Sporcelli
- Salani, 1988
- Salani, 2008
- Salani, 2012
Japanese Covers – アッホ夫婦
- 評論社, 2005
Korean Covers – 멍청씨 부부 이야기
- Sigongsa, 1997
Lithuanian Covers – Kvankos
- Garnelis
Norwegian Covers – Dustene
- Gyldendal, 2011
- Gyldendal, 2016
Persian Covers – خانواده آقای ابله
- نشر مرکز
Polish Covers – Fleje
- Zysk i S-ka, 2005
Portuguese Covers – Os Tontos
- Terramar, 2006
Russian Covers – Свинтусы
- Самокат, 2015
Scots Covers – The Eejits
- B & W Pub, 2007
- B & W Pub, 2007
Slovakian Covers – Hastrošovci
- Enigma
Slovenian Covers – Gravža
- Zalozba Sanje, 2007
- Zalozba Sanje, 2009
Spanish Covers – Los cretinos
- Alfaguara, 2005
- Alfaguara, 2005
- Alfaguara, 2011
- Alfaguara, 2016
- Santillana, 2016
Swedish Covers – Herr och fru Slusk
- Tidens förlag, 1998
Thai Covers – ฅนซื่อบื้อ
- ผีเสื้อ, 2004
Turkish Covers – Los cretinos
- Can Çocuk Yayınları, 2013
Vietnamese Covers – Vợ Chồng Lão Twit
- Kim Đồng
- Kim Đồng, 2014
Welsh Covers – Y Twits
- Rily, 2010