The Minpins

Sections: Information | Description | Reviews | Awards | Criticism and Analysis | Teacher IdeasCovers | Chinese, French, Korean, Norwegian, Slovakian, and Spanish Covers


Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.

Important note: From 2022 onwards, Puffin has edited selected Dahl books to remove sensitive language and insert new sentences not written by Dahl. If you would prefer to read the original text, ensure you get a copy published before 2022 or one of the “Classic Collection” published by Penguin.


Little Billy strays into the forest, where he meets the Minpins–tiny people who live within the trees. The Minpins tell Billy about The Gruncher, who preys on them. So Billy embarks on a mission to rid the Minpins of their foe once and for all, and sets off–on the back of a swan–to confront The Gruncher.



  • Winner, 1991 Redbook Children’s Picture Book Award
  • An American Bookseller “Pick of the Lists”

Criticism and Analysis

Teacher Ideas

  • Billy and the Minpins – Lesson Plans
    • Get your class to think of ways to help Billy escape the Gruncher with the YPO lesson plans which include Art and Literacy Objectives on spoken language, imagining worlds and celebrating achievements.


Chinese Covers

French Covers – Les Minuscules

Korean Covers – 꼬마 빌리의 친구 민핀

Norwegian Covers – Bittesmäene

Slovakian Covers – Minpinkovia

Spanish Covers – Los mimpins