Sections: Information | Description | Covers | Czech, German, and Russian Covers
Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.
- First editions:
- Michael Joseph, 1989, Great Britain.
- Illustrated by: John Lawrence
- To identify: Standard practice statement (‘Published in Great Britain’ followed by the date, no later dates or printing statements), with jacket priced £11.95 & $22.95
- Alfred Knopf, 1989, USA.
- To identify: First Edition statement, with jacket priced $18.95
- Michael Joseph, 1989, Great Britain.
- Contains:
- Related books:
Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life is a collection of seven hilariously creepy Roald Dahl stories published in various magazines and collections in the ’40s and ’50s, and gathered here for the first time. With the classic Dahl mixture of charm and charmingly perverse, these stories remind us that the mystery of life isn’t always as sweet as it seems.
- Michael Joseph, 1989
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0718132521]
- Penguin, 1989
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B00V4192RQ]
- Penguin, 1990
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=B00DJFO40K]
- Penguin, 1991
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0140118470]
- Penguin, 2011
[amazon template=rdf link&asin=0241955734]
Czech Covers – To sladké tajemství života a jiné povídky
- Volvox Globator, 2008
German Covers – Der krumme Hund
- rororo
Russian Covers – Ах, эта сладкая загадка жизни!
- Эксмо, 2012